Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Maka Maka

Whatever is said about the Mountain View Empire, it always comes on top, no pun intended. Microsoft beat Google to the puny purchase of stock in Facebook?

So what? Google announces Maka Maka, almost a Paul McCartney said twice. Maka Maka will take care of all of your needs, whether you are a blogger or not. It goes beyond a multi-faceted relationship site to be your everything.

Soon at a Google Bar near you. Noooo! You don't use a Google Bar? It's great.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Happy Anniversary, Google!

My sole complaint to the nine -year-old is the pitiful flooding of my Image Google Universo Anárquico.

I guess I will have to label my photos. Or leave Flickr for Picasa.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Gphone on a G-string

What if the fabled Gphone already exists and tells us click when we hear a first click and click a second time after we are about to hang up?

Apple must be peeved. Clones of telephony on ... everywhere. Mountain View is laughing. 100 million of scientologized waves in telepathic space communicating for free as the farm grows.


Monday, September 10, 2007

What If ?

What if all these nogoodniks really are right?

What if we are living in 1984? General Petræus:

Help us help ourselves.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

You don't need a cell. phone, do you?

You are handicapped and misplaced the street address of this "dahling" store you were going to visit. Call 411.

You can't. You don't have a cell. phone. Who'll help you?

No business will.

Friday, September 07, 2007

apple's Steve Jobs -what's up with at.t

that was a big mistake, Steve. at and t sucked wind twenty years ago and sucks wind now.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Moh Buzz - GPhone

Aqui na California oLos Angeles Times já anunciou que o maior buzz do momento é o protótipo da Google, o GPhony.

A Google,Inc. conhece o mundo todo mas gosta dos seus segredos. Narrei abaixo como o GPhony é movido a telepatia.

Tomás Cruise, Béqui e outros oferecem os serviços de sua igreja (deles.)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Why I Can't Communicate on my Gphone

I can't speak on my prototype Gphone, sent to me by the Triumvirat for testing.

The reason this is is simple:

Giggle is so secretive one must use telepathy to "speak one's mind."

Monday, September 03, 2007

Is Google Safe Investment?

I don't know if I'd like to invest all my money in Google. The number of "what ifs" is overwhelming.

Let me return their call about these Swap. w presentations.

Friday, August 31, 2007

XXY Phones

There are people it's worthwhile talking to. Say they move to F*sville California?
Wouldn't you want to keep in touch with them? Why not use an iPhone?

Apple's Steve Jobs - laughing all the way to the bank

Microsoft's iPhone?

Check it out: TYPO or TUPO

Courtesy Carlos Cardoso, Contraditorium, Julio Hungria, Blue Bus

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Friday, August 10, 2007

Eric Schmidt at the Web 2.0 Expo

Tags: Eric Schmidt, Web 2.0,

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The BeatleBox - Apple vs. Apple

This is so funny

tag: Apple v. Apple, comedy

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The importance of Alexa and Technorati

swapw explains stuff in a very simple way. I enjoy his videos.'
tags: technorati, alexa

Friday, June 22, 2007

Who's whose?

Paris Hilton won't give her interview to ABC. NBC offered a million. Ron Paul offered a society with no state. Yahoo booted its CEO for a new CEO. Yahoo wants to buy Perdition Land, MySpace, where a predator seduced a young teen dumped her and she committed suicide.

Google is worth 76 billions now. Not bad at all.

Apple and Google are kissing cousins.There will e YouTube for Apple's iPhone and iTV by fall.

One day all will be ashes in the Realm of the Lord.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The basics on how to purchase a web site

Our web guru, no joke, really, on websites. My family's oiticica is for sale for over a thou but no info is given.

Monday, June 11, 2007

YouTube + Apple = TotalBliss

This agreement between Apple and YouTube can only kick ass big time. YouTube has all these hardsell iTune has paid.

What can be better than this? How about an acommodation between them so we don't have to pay so much for music videos?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Closer Look At The iPhone

I want my iPhone, please!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Gates vs. Jobs

This is "old" in the sense Bill and Steve have talked nicely. It's funny, though.

Tags: Apple, Microsoft, cartoon

Friday, June 01, 2007

Steve Jobs presents Apple 'iTV'

Apple cut a deal with Google so YouTube merges with Apples iTV.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Google page rank and diagnostic tools for it

This is something everybody is talking about. I don't know much about it, but I do like how candid swapw's explanatiio is. He's a natural and a pro.

google earth's secret places

Tags: Google earth secret_places

Maybe Google apps catch my attention more than before.

Something else, I kid you not!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Google page rank and diagnostic tools for it

Pitch interessante. O rapaz sabe do que fala. Nerrrrd!
* * * * *
technorati tags: YouTube, Google, Page Ranking, Analysis, simples

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hillary's Take on Videogames

I don't think prohibition is a solution. VGs are the baby-sitters of the Z generation, whose parents have no idea WTF kids are up to. Actually, I am against any type of government regulation on people's private lives. Alcohol? Think of how much the Mob made during the Prohibition era.

Women@Google: Hillary Clinton

I'm with Hillary 2008. You can see where I stand at my Anarchic_Universe. Just google it. Some people do get addicted to the "free games" on the Net. There's nothing for free.

Friday, May 25, 2007

After All Cos. Have Joined Forces; How About US?

The merging or purchasing of one Internet/computer/MP3 company is impressive. I have lost track of what belongs to whom. Apple joins forces with AT&T. I had a to-do with AT&T way back in the 80s.

Question: Is this the same AT&T as the one I once knew?


Why would you want to have one?

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Read the WIRED News Today, oh-boy

I read on my Google personal page two pieces of news.

• MSoft paid a fortune ( in my scale of things) to get an ad service that can better its position in Blogsville and elsewhere.

MSoft was so desperate it promised the ad co. 85% of the profit.

• Mini-Evil Empire, Giggle, went against its own rules and won't let people read Google's page if they don't have JAVA script

WIRED: Google: No Java No Nuttin'

No Java No Nuttin'

Just click and enjoy. Leave a comment if you wish.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Não é Giggle, é Apple

Vocês já devem estar sabendo do desafio ao iTunes feito pela amazon promete que quem entrar noseu futuro site pode baixar e transferir quantas músicas queira.

Steve Jobs, que deve estar a rir, depois de mais um trimestre no super-positivo, sabe que a Indústria não vai deixar. Quero ver só.

Aliás o Steve Jobs tem plano de criar o PicoPod. Vejam aqui o aprovado iPhoneiPhone:Clquem.

Monday, May 14, 2007

E agora José?

Custo a crer que alguém não reconheça o título aqui, de um poema de vestibular do CDA. Carlos Drummond de Andrade, mineiro, autor de várias poesias e textos em prosa. No meu Universo Anárquico sempre aparece busca de uma estória quase sobrenatural do CDA, Flor, telefone, moça, não exatamente nesta ordem.

Não há dia que passe sem uma onda sobre o mini-Evil Empire. Certo ou não, sei lá. Hoje li que eles querem fazer uma fusão do gmail e de ... Me esqueci!

Um dia busco a coluna do David Pogue, do NY Times, sobre tech nerdices. Foi de lá que peguei minha assinatura, via link do B 12 Partners.

Vocês já sabem o quê é o iGoogle?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Journalism v. Blogging; That's the question

O link neste post é em inglês. Aborda uma pergunta que não quer morrer. Qual a diferença entre jornalista e blogueiro? Já vi a pergunta rolando em fóruns em vários lugares. Se por um lado há blogueiros que mostram uma realidade exageradíssima, há outros que dão furos jornalísticos em seus blogs. Têm o nariz do jornalismo investigativo. Gosto de dar notícias das quais eu descubro o fio da meada. Não sou nem jornalista nem blogueira old school. Sou n00b.

Prontos? aí vai. Em inglês. BeltwayBlogRoll

Que acham vocês? Blogueiros/jornalistas que leio:

André Marmota


Confiram, por favor e me deixem suas opiniões, priz:P))

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Internet Marketing - Search Engine Optimization - Google

Google tells you a little bit about searching.

Future web search engine video

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed them till they were red.

Two of the Google guys are planning to get married! How stupid!

Computer nerds don't know or really care for real women. A real woman would think twice. For example, girls, ask yourselves:

•Is he coming home for dinner?

•Is he tidy around the house?

•How romantic is he?

• Will there be a pre-nuptial agreement?

• Will he notice me at all?

• What do I do when or if he brings his laptop into a French restaurant?

Nerds will be nerds. Some will be geeks and freaks. I would pass on the Giggle boys. Trust me.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Will Google Chicken Out If MS and Yahoo Go It Together?

Google, Inc. has been notorious for bullying not only people, but also countries, such as Brazil and Belgium. There may have been Stanford in some lives at Mountain View, but it seems they could all use "Charm School."

At the same time, Google,Inc. itself gives away news, alerts, many features that let you know they are rightfully the heirs of, maybe the Mini-Me of the "Evil Empire," aka Microsoft.

I heard about the threat of a fusion of MS and Yahoo to down Google. Here is a link from The Washington Post, telling you all about it.

On Yahoo+MS

Enjoy, see you tomorrow!

Mas o YOUTUBE não é da Google e o Blogger também?

Hoje achava que tinha postado ummontão de vídeos nos meus blogs de vídeos. Surprise, surprise. Não entrou nada.

Com que devo falar? NIcole Wong, David Drummond, ou direto pros donos daquela biboca?

Cartas para a redação.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

AIA Google Earth Demo

Colaboração com Instituto de Arquitetos da América.

AIA Google Earth Demo

Há uns lances no B12 Partners que são fabulosos.

Google is better than Limewire for downloading Music

Instructions in English. HOw to find files and download them, MP3 or MP4. Thanks, Google.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Monday, April 23, 2007

Você sabia? Série homenagem à Rádio Relógio

Será que já contei que os telefones que não estão listados na lista telêfonica ou os que não pagam uns cinco dólares para não constarem da lista ou do 411, informações, estão numa boa. Os listados, se você estiver aqui nos EUA e escrever o número do telefone na barra de busca do Google. com ...

Seu endereço aparece e o mapa também, se você quiser!

As mães desocupadas mas antendas no fórum de pais e mães da Santa Monica High, doravante SAMOHI, estão histéricas. É que o famoso e popular desconhecido que atemoriza as crianças desde que eu era garotinha, e por isso não podia comer bala, pode realmente bater à porta.

E o desconhecido cibernético? Elas responderiam que nem aquela música chata padedéu, sucesso em 2004 --Não tô nem aí.

O essoal de Littleton, terra de Columbine, tirou as fotos do Eric Harris e do Dylan Klebold dos livros anuais de Columbine. Protestos foram intensos sobre o vídeo dirigid e produzido pelo Cho.

Se fosse Taxi Driver...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mas o YOUTUBE não é da Google e o Blogger também?

Esses cornos são phoda. Há três dias estou tentando re-estruturar esses blogs no Blogger, simplificar minha vida e tal. Não consigo fazer com que o YT se entenda com o Blogger, ambos propriedades da cia mais anticomunicativa do Universo desde 42.

Já me mandaram um trocentão de mails devem estar a fim de flodar minha caixa. RÁ! Ela é MAC ! Tudo o quê explicam é que não têm tempo de explicar nada e mandam links disso e aquilo.

Eta turma de celerados.

Não há de ser nada. Quem quiser ligar pra Mountain View, ao soar o ring-ring, tecle zero. Virá atendê-lo mais uma pessoa simpática e burrinha que venera o Império do Malzinho. Você tem que saber o nome completo da pessoa, sobrenome primeiro.


Drummond, David chefete do departamento legal, já veio algumas vezes ao Brasil.

Wong,Nicole, advogada incompetente em diplomacia --who cares? -- foi promovida, pode cabrito virar bode? Declarou uma vez que infelizmente o Google ia fechar o Brasil por causa do MPF. Outra vez disse que os jornalistas brasileiros não sabem inglês, pois é. Vejam no

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Giggle Matters -- How Much?

I will try to remember to use either English or Portuguese, but I won't be writing pidgin in either. Short and simple.

This is a test on how democratic, Ha-haha, Giggle can be. I know many cautionary tales, useful for newcoming bloggers and people in the cybersphere. There are two years of orkut-Google Alerts I kept, for example.

A blogger friend who thinks most of us are a pile of schmucks, not far from the truth she is, asked why I care. I guess it's my sense of justice, love for the underdog, strng dislike for arrogant people whose money made them become pornographically wealthy. They believe they are beyond any country's laws, for example. Brazil or Belgium, or even the good ole USA.

I can't scream but I can write. Did you know your US phone number on Google search is a reversed number-- giving away your address?

Do you know Google's phone number?

Will I be here tomorrow? My crystal ball isn't available. Would you care to leave a message?